About Political Theology Matters
Helping progressive Christians and charities exercise their First Amendment guarantees by advocating for more compassionate, just solutions to our social crises
Our Mission
Political Theology Matters is an organization dedicated to being the voice of one crying out in the wilderness.
We give voice to social issues that impact the lives of ordinary people. By inspiring the one; we can work towards a more just society for the many. It is the calling of our faith, the meaning behind our religion and our right under the constitution of the United States of America.
We help congregations understand what charities and individuals can do in legally exercising their constitutional rights. The aim of political theology is not to establish a supreme religion. Its aim is to participate as one of hopefully many different voices of faith who work for a more just society.
The Rev. Dr. Marcia Ledford, Esq.
The Rev. Dr. Marcia Ledford, is a practical theologian and Episcopal priest, native to Detroit, Michigan. Her dissertation, Christian Progressive Political Theology: Acting on the Word for Immigration Reform, identifies the Call of Moses, and the Emmaus story as foundational to public or political Christian Theology. It includes a comprehensive examination of the role of racialization, lynching and the systemic denigration of the black and brown body. This deplorable history works as a habitual motivator for contemporary discrimination and exploitation, fueling the American economy, as dictated by American civil religion and White religious nationalism.
Ledford worked as a civil rights attorney for over 30 years, including as an ACLU co-operating attorney on constitutional matters, prior to her ordination. She advocates for the administration of the sacraments (Holy Eucharist, Baptism, and Holy Unction) and public pious practices (like stations of the cross and asperges) to empower progressive Christian political theology in the public square. Ledford exhorts progressive Christians to exercise their First Amendment guarantees, as part of a collective interfaith voice, calling for more compassionate approaches to our social crises. She is an award-winning documentary photographer and specializes in fine art portraiture, and she has completed Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) community organizing training.
Why do we need Political Theology?
Progressive Christians remain relatively quiet in the public square, even though the federal constitution protects our speech. Compared to more traditional corners of Christ’s vineyard, we fail to respond and assert our theology. The reasons for this are varied, yet we need to express our theology clearly and proactively whenever and wherever possible.
Seminars and Services
Confusion exists about how charities can be active in politics. Marcia Ledford helps congregations understand what charities and individuals can do in legally in exercising their constitutional rights.
Recent posts

#MeToo Meets Samaria
I want to encourage Church leaders to begin a journey into becoming a safe place for every person by inviting victims and women within their communities to talk about how to dismantle barriers.

Hawai’i: Healthset, Soulset, Mindset, Heartset
A New Life Chapter Begins. Hello dear faith advocates for social justice! I’ve been on hiatus because my wife and I just moved to Hawai’i.

2022 midterms elections: rapidly changing forecasts
As abortion becomes a key issue, polls show democrats are more likely to vote in this year’s midterm elections.
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