Political Theology Matters

In Search of Social Justice: What Frustrates You These Days?

Power of diversity

This week’s blog seemed to take me a long time to write. Then I realized it’s because I want to hear from you.

People ask me, “What is it that you do, Marcia?”

And I say, “Oh, you want to know what I do, that’s awesome.”

Then I ask, “What upsets you about the way things are?”

I get varying answers like inflation, or racism, or our withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Insurrection of January 6th, children in cages, gas prices, separating families through deportation…

You get the idea. There are lots of things upsetting people.

What I do

I help people apply their skills, abilities, talents, knowledge, experience, to help lessen or stop whatever it is that they feel needs attention.

That’s what I do. I help people make a difference. That’s my superpower–encouraging and supporting you in making a difference and creating greater social justice.

When we understand our own superpowers and know what makes us tick, and then gather all of that passion and power together, we can make a huge difference.

So, I also provide tools and resources so that we can drill down to what makes us tick. People have discerned in me for a long time that I have the spiritual gift of exhortation–to empower, to encourage, and to instill confidence.

So here is what I want to know from you

What do you need from me to help you be an advocate for social justice? 

What tools and resources would help you? No idea or suggestion is too small.

I have my own ideas, but I want to hear from you. Today. Right now. 

Let’s do this!


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