Political Theology Matters

Thankful for our Democracy

America’s return to sane governance deserves much celebration and thanksgiving. Our work ahead will prove difficult, but something very special happened on election day and in the aftermath that perhaps serves as the greatest cause for celebration.

This entry will serve as a short read on gratefulness. I’m thankful for so many things, Linda and our elder dog, Hermione, who has taught us so much about courage and resiliency. She just wants to hang out with us despite her challenges, and it’s such a gift. Linda and I celebrated 38 years together, and God has richly blessed us in so many ways. Our family and friends make life so sweet.

2020 has been bittersweet. So many are going without, and I pray that they can rely on their communities and the kindness of strangers to help with the things people need to survive. We’ve adopted 2 families to shop for, and since we don’t have kids of our own, it brings us back to our childhood as we shop for toys.

Since 2016, especially, I’ve had to reorganize my priorities. Admittedly, I have not been as politically active and in tune with what the federal and Michigan governments do. But since this current administration has been empowered by a president who does what he likes regardless of the law, we have all had to tune in and pay close attention.

While much damage has occurred, this continuous free fall to a bottomless bottom will finally end on January 20, 2021 at noon ET. Joe Biden will be sworn in as our 46th president of the USA, and from day one, I know he will start the essential job of undoing the chaos and autocratic decisions made and implemented by this unworthy president.

America has suffered disgrace across the globe in our role as leader/partner in the global context . As disturbing, we’ve watched as Trump transmogrified our domestic policies, one after another, to further punish and exclude those living on the margins. And while much repair work faces us in the new year, our commander-in-chief, Mr. Biden and our first woman VP, Kamala Harris, will lead the way. I feel very, very good about that reality.

Our new president and vice-president face a very tall order, and they cannot solve these problems without our considerable help. We must pledge to do so at every opportunity for engaging in political theology. The most important thing we can do to help them involves sending financial support to US senatorial candidates Ossoff and Warnock in Georgia. That run-off election happens on January 5, 2021, and the day before the electoral college meets to certify the election nationally.

America’s return to sane governance deserves much celebration and thanksgiving. Our work ahead will prove difficult, but something very special happened on election day and in the aftermath that perhaps serves as the greatest cause for celebration.

  1. The people spoke, and we spoke in a landslide election.
  2. And, when Trump and his minions targeted our large African American cities to erase their votes, We the People stood up and said “No!” in resounding fashion. Election workers gave of their time to the monumental task of processing ballots under dangerous circumstances.

As the sister states continue to certify their elections, our march to January 20 will also give cause for wild and joyous festivities just before we roll up our sleeves and get to work in righting this great ship called America.


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